River Cruising vs. Ocean Cruising – Which One is Better?

cruise ship docked at beach

At first glance it may seem like river cruising and ocean cruising offer the same type of experience. River cruising offers the same conveniences and benefits that you get from ocean cruising.

You only have to unpack once and then you get to relax as you sail from port to port. They both feature delicious food and entertainment onboard for you to enjoy.

However, while the benefits may be the same the experiences are vastly different. In our article we will discuss the differences between the two styles of cruising so you can decide which one is right for you.

Comparing River Cruising and Ocean Cruising:

1. Ship Sizes:

river cruise vessels docked in village

While some ocean cruise ships are smaller, more intimate ships the majority of the cruise ships sailing on the ocean carry thousands of passengers.

You may be going from port to port with 6,000 of your new best friends. A river cruise ship holds only a few hundred passengers.

Most of the ones in Europe are less than 200 passengers. There is a huge difference in the experience and atmosphere you will get between 200 passengers and 6,000 passenger vessels.

You need to decide which size ship is a better fit for your travel style.

2. Room Sizes:

Ocean cruise ships have a wide variety of room options that you can choose from small inside cabins to huge penthouse suites.

Many of the high-end choices are larger than some people’s homes. No matter what kind of cabin you’re looking for they can accommodate your needs.

River cruises have less options and can’t offer the larger sizes due to the overall size of the ship. However, their lowest category cabin still features a small window that let’s in light.

Although, the rooms may be smaller they are very comfortable and feature all of the amenities that you want and need.

The higher category rooms feature balconies so you can watch the world go by from the privacy of your own room.

3. Dining Options:

Viking longship restaurant

Ocean cruise ships have a wide variety of dining options and styles that you can choose. You can enjoy a traditional dining time or a flexible, anytime dining plan.

You can enjoy the buffet, main dining room, poolside eating options, and the many specialty dining restaurants found around the large cruise ship.

On a river cruise vessel, the dining options are more limited. You will have the main dining room and maybe one or two smaller lounge or deck areas to enjoy your meal.

The dining times are more structured due to the fact there is a smaller crew and only one kitchen galley. However, river cruise lines focus on locally sourced, authentic food experiences from the destinations you are visiting.

If you love high-quality, fresh ingredients used for your meals then you will not be disappointed.

4. Entertainment Options:

Anthem of the Seas pool deck

If you want the Broadway-style shows and rock-climbing walls then you want to choose an ocean cruise ship. They have all kinds of different activities and entertainment options that you can enjoy.

The kids’ clubs are perfect for the little ones while mom and dad have a romantic dinner alone. You can enjoy trivia games, karaoke nights, and dance classes.

When you go on a large cruise ship you will have things that the whole family will enjoy both together and on their own. River cruises do not have as many options.

They focus more on the destination itself as the entertainment and experience. They will bring on local talent for you to enjoy in the evenings.

However, the ports and excursions are the main focus of these cruises. If you love being immersed in the culture and learning about the history and way of life of each port then you will love a river cruise.

5. Itineraries:

Ocean cruises feature both port days and sea days. You get to visit several different destinations during your cruise where you can spend the day off the ship exploring them on a tour or on your own.

Many times, the cruise may have to anchor off-shore and then water taxi you to the port of call. You may then have to take a taxi or bus to get to the heart of the city or town that you are visiting.

On your sea days that are many activities that you can enjoy or you can just relax and lounge by the pool with a drink. The choice is entirely up to you.

River cruises have very port intensive itineraries. You will visit a different port each day of your cruise. Some days you will stop at two different ports to explore.

The ports are very close together and you can even ride a bike from one port to the next and meet the cruise ship there. These are very popular tours that are offered by the river cruise lines.

Most of the time you will be docked right in the heart of the town so you can easily walk of the ship and go exploring on your own without any problem.

If you like to relax and just enjoy the ship then you will like an ocean cruise itinerary. If you love being on the go and sightseeing then you will love river cruising.

6. Location of the Ship:

An ocean cruise goes out to the middle of the ocean and then sails into each new destination. You get to enjoy the views of the towns and cities and then enjoy the privacy of the ocean.

This is great if you love the outdoors and just want to relax on your balcony with a book. If you love the feel of sailing then you will love an ocean cruise.

For the most part the waters are smooth, but you can hit choppy water every now and then. If you get sea sickness you will want to take precautions just in case.

We have never needed them, but we always bring them with us. On a river cruise you are sail down the river. The water is smooth so you don’t have to worry about motion sickness.

You also get to watch the world go by as you sail. If you like being out on the open water then you won’t like the river. There is always shore within your sights.

Most of the time you can see the locals go by, and they can see you. There are other ships and vessels on the river so you will get to pass by and wave to them throughout the day.

It is a much different experience than an ocean cruise.

7. Shore Excursions:

kayaking while whale watching

Ocean cruises feature all kinds of different excursions that you can enjoy. They have walking tours, food tours, and tours perfect for thrill seekers.

Whether you just want to tour around on a bus, walk around town shopping, or going out and zip-lining you can do it. No matter what kind of experience you are looking for while docked in port they can offer it to you.

For most ocean cruise lines you pay extra for any shore excursions that you want to do. They are included with some of the luxury and small ship cruise lines.

River cruises are more focused on the culture and history of the place. They feature food tours and walking tours around the village.

They do offer bike tours if you like to stay active and still see the sights. One of the best things to do is research the places you want to visit and just meander around on your own.

While they don’t offer the kind of tours that thrill seekers want, the tours they do offer are very good. If you love history and getting an authentic look at the local culture of a place then you will love river cruising.

They don’t give you that touristy feel that many of the ocean cruise ports do. The majority of the river cruise lines include your port excursions in the cost of your cruise.

They do feature bonus excursions that you can pay for if they interest you. However, you will always be able to do an excursion in each port without having to pay for it.

8. Passengers:

Ocean cruises feature different kinds of passengers depending on the atmosphere of the ship. The high-end luxury lines have an older demographic on them.

The mainstream cruise lines can be very family focused or great for partiers depending on the ship and itinerary. If you have small children and want a family friendly experience then an ocean cruise will best fit your needs.

Many of the river cruise lines have a minimum age requirement because they don’t cater to small kids. They don’t have the amenities such as kid’s clubs and characters that the ocean cruise vessels have.

If you have older kids that love history and culture then they will love river cruising. However, if they want water slides and rock-climbing then they will be really bored on a river cruise itinerary.

It is important that you know who is going on the cruise so you can choose which type of cruise experience is best for your family.

9. Getting On and Off the Ship:

Getting on a river cruise ship

The whole process of getting on and off the ship is completely different when it comes to ocean cruises and river cruises. When you first get to the cruise port for an ocean cruise you will have to wait in the cruise terminal and check in.

It is a lot like going to the airport for your flight. You will check in and sit until your group is called. Then you can board the ship and go through security as you enter the ship.

Every time you get on and off the ship in the various ports you will check in and out and go through security. You need to make sure that you always have your cruise card with you.

A river cruise is completely different. There are no lines to board the ship. You just drive up and walk on. There is no cruise terminal and no security that you have to go through.

When you first board the ship you will walk to the check in desk just like you would at a hotel. When you arrive at each port you can walk on and off at your leisure.

The experience is more like having your own private yacht. We were amazed when we arrived for our first river cruise because it was so relaxing and stress-free to do.

10. Price:

Ocean cruises come at different price points depending on the cruise ship and the length of the itinerary. You can find short cruises that are only a couple hundred dollars.

On the other end of the spectrum is the luxury cruise lines that can come at a high price point and give you an all-inclusive experience.

Ocean cruises are a great value for families because they offer many things included and then you can add on what you want to personalize the trip to meet your needs.

River cruises come at a higher price point. They start in the thousands of dollars per person. However, they also offer you a more luxury, all-inclusive experience.

They are more comparable to luxury ocean cruise lines in their atmosphere and inclusions. If you enjoy luxury cruise lines or want an all-inclusive experience where you don’t feel nickeled and dimed during the cruise then you will love a river cruise.

The food, wine and beer at dinner, excursions, and entertainment are all included in the cost of the cruise.

The convenience and benefits may be similar, but as you can see the experience is completely different.

Ocean cruises are like floating cities that take you from place to place. You can have an amazing vacation without even getting off of the ship because there is so much to do.

River cruises gives you the immersive experience of touring, without the hassle of traveling from place to place.

You just get to enjoy the views of the breathtaking villages and cities as you sail by on the ship. There are pros and cons to both depending on what you are looking for in your cruise vacation experience.

We have done and enjoyed both types of travel. No matter which one fits your style, cruising in general is an amazing vacation experience.

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